Call for Participation for MakeReady, a Virtual SGCI Event

Call for Participation for MakeReady, a Virtual SGCI Event

April 10th and 11th, 2021 Apply by February 15th to:Lead a panelHold a demonstrationSubmit pre-recorded content We invite you to submit your proposals relating to our 2021 theme, MakeReady! The Virtual Event will happen via Zoom; Panels and demos will happen live,...

MakeReady: A Virtual SGCI Event Spring of 2021

MakeReady: A Virtual SGCI Event

Spring of 2021

We missed you! Reconnect with SGCI and fellow printmakers around the world this April! Save the date: members, mark your calendars for April 10th and 11th for MakeReady, a weekend of virtual events with SGCI:KeynotesDemosPanelsPerformancesand more! And…...

Call for Nominations: SGCI BoardForms now available online

Call for Nominations: SGCI Board

Forms now available online

Dear SGC International Members, SGC International is seeking nominations/self-nominations to fill a number of openings and new positions on the 2020-2022 Executive Board and Subcommittees. Terms begin in the fall of 2020 and end in March of 2022; learn more here. We...

Upcoming Conferences and Providence 2021 Postponement

Upcoming Conferences and Providence 2021 Postponement

Dear Members, Recent months have brought much uncertainty about SGCI’s lineup of conferences. While we are disappointed to announce that we must postpone the Providence conference until a safer time, we are pleased to announce the following lineup: 2022:...