Member’s Portfolio Exchange
An exchange portfolio is organized for those attending the conference each year. The Membership Exchange Portfolio this year will be comprised of students and professionals, verses the typical two categories. The conceptual idea behind each print in the exchange should conform with the Theme of the conference, PuertoGrabando.
Please be sure to read our Guidelines
In most Hispanic Cultures the word printmaking translates into grabado, a word whose literal translation means relief, etching, and engraving (also means recording, the more you know) all in one. A more accurate translation would be “something that physically affects the surface of something else.” This word defines the discipline of traditional printmaking, and the artist who proudly learns it then earns the title of “grabador”. In spanish, when we end nouns with -ando/-endo, you can transform them into a present continuous verb. For example: trabajar (to work) would become trabajando (working). Therefore, “Grabando” becomes the activity of being currently engaged in printmaking. Puerto, the first half of the name of the country Puerto Rico, means port in english. When combining both Puerto and Grabando, the phrase becomes an invitation to come to the port where printmaking is happening, as well as a way of referencing the island and it being the home of the next SGCI conference.
The edition size is 13, and the size paper size: 11″ x 14″ with the first ten from the edition being randomly collated for exchange and the last one kept as a complete set is for the host institution. Exchange portfolio participants must complete an Archives Release Form and Artist’s Datasheet and submit it with their edition.
Drop off for the Member’s Exchange begins on Wednesday, April 2nd Caribe Hilton – Flamingo Hallway 2-5pm (Upstairs from the Registration Desk)
Drop off continues on Thursday, April 3rd, 9-5pm & Friday, April 4th, 9-1pm;
***Drop off will be closed at 1pm on Friday, no prints will be accepted after 1pm (please be on time)
The Membership Exchange Portfolio will be on display in the Caribe Hilton – Flamingo Hallway 3pm Friday, April 4th – Saturday, April 5th, 9am – 4pm. Pickup begins on Saturday and runs 9-5pm for the Member’s Exchange begins. Pick up will be closed at 5pm Friday.