Conference Mobile Events
Mobile Events are demo kits, projects, discussions, performances, or talks intended to take place on the go and/or with a certain level of ephemerality. Flexible and innovative, mobile events vary from year to year and include things like sticker exchanges, zine demos, artist talks, and Pecha Kuchas. See Mobile Event descriptions below.
Print Collage Mural Project
Organizers: K (Kathleen) Stevenson, Andrew Rice, and Maria del Mar Gonzalez-Gonzalez
Mobile Event Location(s):
Thurs, Fri, Sat all day
La Liga
The Print Collage Mural will be a collaborative, out-door public art ‘print-collage’ mural. Comprised of several dozen prints it will be installed using the sustainable wheat-past method, simplifying the installation. The actual installation will promote a community ‘ice-breaker’ welcome-party atmosphere, creating an opportunity to ‘front-load’ and ignite professional and personal connections and friendships for the duration of the conference.
Join us in a collaborative, public-art installation of several hundred prints and its festive, community-wide ‘welcome & print installation party’.
Any & all artists are welcome to participate in the print submission process; but due to space limitations, registration will be required using a “first come, first serve” process for the first three hundred (300) or so artists/printmakers/’ink-slingers.’ Schools, institutions, and similar programs, may register under a group name, accompanied by the total number of participants. Local and regional collaboration throughout the Caribbean is warmly encouraged.
We also invite all conference attendees, collaborators, local artists, and community members to join us for a Welcome & Installation Party where you can assist with the (simple) ‘wheat paste’ installation process, if you wish. You need not have submitted a print nor assist in the actual installation to attend. Just drop by and join the fun!! Come and ‘break-the-ice,’ meet new friends, colleagues, and artists, while enjoying local eats and treats.
Print THEME:
This print theme explores a more nuanced translation of ’Grabando,’ (i.e., printmaking): “something that physically affects the surface of something else.” Images can express/interpret various aspects of the ‘Imprint’ theme, anything from physical to cultural, and beyond.
Print SPECS:
Paper size: 10” x 10” square
Image size: Any, though ‘bleed prints’ are encouraged
Color(s): Black & white, with up to two (2) additional colors
Inks: Archival; as the prints will be installed with wheat paste and water
Paper: Lighter weight papers, such as: kozo; masa; kitakata; sumi; awagami; light-weight BFK, etc. work best for “wheat paste” installation. (Please avoid very thick paper, such as heavy weight Rives BFK, etc.)
Processes: All print processes- traditional, non-tradition, and hybrids are welcome
NOTE: Due to the installation (and de-installation) process prints cannot be returned.
Perspectiva es 20/20 (Hindsight is 20/20)
Organizer: Renee Covalucci, Deborah Cornell, and Migdalia Umpierre
Mobile Event Location(s):
Thurs, Fri, Sat at the Vendor Fair, Hilton Caribe
(Los Rosales A & B Thursday 9 – 5, Friday 9 – 5, Saturday at noon)
Let’s walk into the future knowing our past…with hindsight
Perspectiva es 20/20 (Hindsight is 20/20) is a themed portfolio of 20 prints made by students from Puerto Rico and New England. All prints are donated by their makers and will sell for $20 each to raise money for printmaking programs in Puerto Rico.
Onsite at the conference, Perspectiva es 20/20 will be on display and available for sale at the Vendor Fair and Open Portfolio. Conference attendees can meet the student creators and purchase prints at a low price and for a good cause!
The twenty creators are students from:
La Escuela de Artes Plásticas y Diseño de Puerto Rico
Camila Collazo Padial
Adriana Sophia Pérez
Fabiola Nieves Portilla
Vrianaly Aguero Otero
Nicole Santana Solis
New England Schools
Braeden Baston, Lesley University
Megan Cascella, University of Connecticut
Valerie Cervantes, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Jamison Cloud, Boston University
Sarah Conley, Boston University
John Doley, Boston University
Leo Feininger, Boston University
Shannon Fraser, Lesley University
Colleen Kinslow, Boston University
Henry Louris, Boston University
Michael Laungjessadakun, Boston University
Qiuyuhong Lu, Boston University
Mai-Han Nguyen, Boston University
Andrew Palladino, Massachusetts College of Art + Design
Steph Rodonis, Lesley University
Isaac Zerkle, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Language Guidebook
Organizer: Savannah Bustillo
Mobile Event Location(s): Be on the lookout for Savannah Bustillo who will be handing out guidebooks throughout the conference!
To support both our Puerto Rican and Latinx artists, the artists has created a small handheld Spanish/English dictionary and pronunciation guide for common print terms that will be freely distributed throughout the conference.
Currently, Latinx people are being targeted with hateful vitriol throughout the US, making it paramount that we, as artists, show our love and support for this community. While historically dictionaries and other types of lexicons have been tools used by those in power to control language, I believe they can also be appropriated as a powerful tool for guerrilla learning and action. For this mobile event, the artist created an edition of 300 dictionaries. The content will feature a list of common printmaking terms in English and Spanish, along with a pronunciation guide for both languages, and a space for note taking and doodling. These booklets will be distributed freely on the go throughout the conference.