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Student Fellowship Award Guidelines & Nomination Form

Student Fellowship recipients will be awarded a fellowship to produce a body of work: one undergraduate of $500 and one graduate award of $1000. At the conclusion of the fellowship, recipients should provide the SGCI Archives with digital documentation of the work produced under the auspices of this fellowship.

Each institution may nominate 1 undergraduate and 1 graduate student. Students may self-nominate, but must have a faculty sponsor who will submit a letter of support, and must be enrolled at the time of application. Applicants and the faculty sponsor must be SGCI members in good standing.

Fellowship recipients will be awarded their fellowship during the SGCI Awards Ceremony. Award recipients will be afforded all possible opportunities to be listed in conference/council publications and on the website. At the conclusion of the fellowship year, recipients will need to provide the SGCI Archives with digital documentation of the work produced under the auspices of this fellowship. SGC International will also make every effort to present fellowship recipients’ work at the following year’s conference, however this may not always be possible and will depend upon the resources available to the conference planners in any particular year.

SGCI members in good standing

Not Eligible:
Current SGCI board members, awards committee members or employees, or previous recipients of the Student Fellowship Award

Application Considerations:

  • 50% portfolio – innovative use of print media, diverse techniques, strong visual and conceptual component
  • 20% CV – strong record of professional experience appropriate to career level, including exhibitions and/or residencies, awards, presentations etc.
  • 15% diversity – priority given to supporting our BIPOC, LGBTQ+, disabled, low-income and other underrepresented members
  • 15% service to SGCI – active membership, conference attendance, volunteerism

This form below should be completed by the student’s professor, mentor, or faculty sponsor. Kindly inform the student that you are nominating them, and work with them to fill out the form. You must be a member to submit a nomination, and the individual you nominate must be a member in order to accept the nomination.

Application Deadline: July 28, 2024  
Notification: October 15, 2024