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Cast your vote for the 2025 Emerging Printmaker Award 

The SGCI Emerging Printmaker Award annually recognizes an emerging artist who shows exceptional promise in advancing the field of printmaking through their remarkable creative contributions. Nominations are requested from the SGCI membership and then evaluated by the SGCI Awards Review Committee. From the pool of nominations, three finalists are carefully chosen, culminating in a final selection by the SGCI membership. The recipient of this award will be granted a cash prize and the opportunity to attend the forthcoming 2025 annual conference in Puerto Rico, where they will be honored during the Awards Party with a certificate of recognition. Furthermore, for the subsequent 2026 annual conference, the recipient will receive a registration waiver, hotel accommodations, a travel allowance, and active participation in the conference program. We thank the 2025 Awards Nomination Review Panel, Kit MacNeil, Aaron Coleman, and Luanda Lozano, for the thoughtful consideration they gave each of the nominations. 

The 2025 Finalists for the Emerging Printmaker Award are: Sok Song, Jacq Garcia, and Gino Castellano

SGCI Members, cast your vote now! Vote once, and for one candidate only. After you vote, click on the ‘cast your ballot’ button below.



Nomination Application Deadline: July 28, 2024

August 30: Finalists Selected 

September 10 – October 10: Voting by Membership   

October 15: All Awardees & Finalists notified