Puertográfico 2020 to be Rescheduled

Puertográfico 2020 to be Rescheduled

Dear SGC International Community, It is with great disappointment that I am writing to inform you that the SGCI Executive Board and the Puertográfico Steering Committee have come to the decision that we must postone Puertográfico 2020 from its original schedule...
Meet the CuratorsPuertográfico Open Portfolio Exhibitions

Meet the Curators

Puertográfico Open Portfolio Exhibitions

This year SGCI is putting a new twist on the Open Portfolio! We’re transforming it into a live, malleable “happening” where exhibitions will be culled from the work shown by Open Portfolio participants and featured at the conference as the 2020 Open Portfolio...
Meet the 2020 SGCI Awardees

Meet the 2020 SGCI Awardees

SGC International presents four awards at each conference. We are proud to announce this year’s awardees for Puertográfico 2020: Consuelo Gotay: The Lifetime Achievement in Printmaking Award The Lifetime Achievement in Printmaking Award is given annually to...