Puertograbando Satellite Events
San Juan is thrilled to celebrate printmaking! Below are some other shows and events going on during the conference.
Ponte Grafico

Opening March 13th at La Lineal Art Shop and Gallery in Rio Piedras. There will be a live performance during the Thursday night Print Hop!
Stay tuned for a promotional video!
Gráfica Vital

Opening March 18th at the UPR Museum of Art
The Museum director invites all conference attendees to the exhibition. The Museum is the first stop during the Thursday night Print Hop!
Gráfica de Lorenzo Homar

Opening March 20th at Galería Guatibiri in Rio Piedras.
Impresiones de Resistancia

Hello Print Friend will be filming a documentary featuring Puerto Rican printmaking during the conference! Be on the lookout for the film crew and stay tuned for the finished film.
You can view the HPF documentary about the Oaxaca print scene Friday, April 4th from 9:00-11:30 am in the Caribe Hilton San Cristobal Ballroom.

Grabado en Movimiento
Opening March 27th at La Liga de Arte in Old San Juan.
Huella Indeleble
Opening April 2nd at the Museum of San Juan in Old San Juan. A night to hang out with printmakers and print legends in PR! This event will have transportation courtesy of the municipality of San Juan from the opening night Ice Cream Social. Please note the dress code is dressy casual.