Looking for inspiration on how to make art within your home? Curious how to best structure your assignments? Quarantine has made our resilient members innovate, finding new ways to teach, make prints, and show our work from inside our homes. And they are sharing their results on MakeReady, our new app!
Find the pleasures of unexpected textures, visual noise, and broken lines in L’impression est grand, je suis toute petit (Print is great and I am not), SGCI member Henry Gepfer’s amazing YouTube tutorials on frottage, trace monoprints, and spray paint pochoir. And other artists are uploading demonstrations and informational videos to various platforms, which they have kindly linked on MakeReady to share. Find reading lists for the time of Coronavirus, links to inspiring artist documentaries, and more! Download the app to your phone (search for “SGC International”) and click on the Social Distance Learning icon.
Have you found any news ways of making? Share them on MakeReady!